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The total number of partnerships is increasing. Complex issues can only be solved together and we see this reflected across all sectors. In those listed below, partnerships are the key to success. What’s going on in these markets and what are the challenges involved?



The Dutch healthcare system is continuously evolving due to increasingly complex issues. Collaboration between care and welfare organizations is important on a national and policy level as well as on a regional and local level.



Collaboration is here to stay in education. In order to seize opportunities and meet the great challenges of our time, schools need each other and other partners. Common Eye guides and advises educational institutions in their cooperation: from primary school to university.

Regional and local government

Regional and local government

Social issues challenge governments to join forces beyond the boundaries of their own organizations. The government is playing an increasingly important role in connecting parties and is the pivot in numerous partnerships and networks. We help governments to work with partners on local and regional issues and to give substance to their own role and position in the cooperation.

Sustainable living environment

Sustainable living environment

The physical space in which we live, reside and work is more than just a physical space. It is a reflection of who we are, how we interact with each other and how we relate to our environment.

Construction and infrastructure

Construction and infrastructure

Collaboration is an important prerequisite for realizing the enormous tasks involved in the construction, maintenance and sustainability of the construction and infrastructure sector.

Social enterprise

Social enterprise

Social issues such as poverty, diversity and climate change require collaboration between governments, businesses, social enterprises, residents and aid organizations. As a result, there are numerous local and international alliances working towards meaningful ambitions.